Distant Healings are a great option we have available for those who are not able to come into the store or just want to make use of the benefits of Reiki with the added convenience of staying at home. Our distant Healings are as effective as an in person session and still provide a truly deep healing, giving yourself the chance to shift things on a very deep level.
As the principle of Reiki states, we are more than our physical bodies, and are made up of several different energy fields (physical body, thoughts, emotions and spiritual centre) with their own distinct vibration frequencies and speeds. By tapping into these energy fields, Suzie is able to send Reiki to your different levels of being one by one, even if you’re not present.
Suzie may conduct a short consultation over the phone, then the healing will be scheduled at a later time when you are able to be in a relaxed environment Great for people who are unable to attend an in person session or would prefer to be in the comfort of their own home.